When you become a tax professional you have more decisions to make than what you may realize. If you're reading this you are most likely an Enrolled Agent and looking for guidance on your career path. Some of the decisions you need to make are who will you serve, why, and how.
Last week we began determining some of those things. If you missed that article or podcast you can still check them out. Getting them said aloud as well as written down with confidence is what we are working on this week. My community, the Tax Representation Journey, was able to share them with me and each other.
As I began reading people's responses I got excited for a few reasons. It reminded me of why I am doing what I do to help taxpayers. It also reminded me why I decided to make the pivot to help other tax professionals. Helping them will be part of my legacy.
This week, we are taking a deeper dive and discussing how to establish that legacy. When it comes to understanding where your destiny and focusing mindset is everything!
I faced some distractions and disruptions this week that I am going to briefly share in this article. They caused imposter syndrome to creep in. If it weren't for the exercises I am about to share and my community I would have gotten thrown off course.
Get your pen and paper so you can write down your answers to the result of the exercise. I want to see your answers in the group!